Video du combat Stephen Meikli (RMB GYM) Gala Fairtex

Stephen Meikli (RMB GYM) VS Rustem (Chor Nateethong) au Gala Faritex

Stephen Meikli (RMB GYM) a combattu le champion Russe Rustem (Chor Nateethong) dans la categorie des – de 70 kgs, le jeudi 9 Juillet 2009 au Fairtex Stadium de Pattaya, Thailande.

Apres un round d’observation, le russe Rustem entreprend d’attaquer mais Stephen contre-attaque avec une serie de low-kick et de high-kick, monte en pression, Rustem chute a 2 reprises. Il reagit par des combinaisons en poings, et le coince dans les coins.

A la 3 eme reprise Rustem se met a distance pour mieux contrer Stephen (RMB GYM) ce que comprend Stephen.

Les boxeurs se rendent coup pour coup au début du round.

Rustem jette ses dernieres forces dans le combat sans resultat.

Toute l’equipe du RMB GYM (Rachid Saadi, Tan, Ekapol, Sudsakor Tan) était la pour soutenir et accompagner Steven Meakli.

La decision finale se conclue par une victoire de Stephen Meakli (RMG GYM) qui conserve sa ceinture du Fairtex.

Remerciement pour le texte à Mac

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Fight Video of Stephen Meikli (RMB GYM) at Gala Fairtex

Stephen Meikli (RMB GYM) vs Rustem (Chor Nateethong)

Stephen Meikli (RMB GYM) fought the Russian champion Rustem (Chor Nateethong) in the category -70 kgs, on Thursday, July 9th, 2009 at Fairtex Stadium of Pattaya, Thailand.

After an observation round, the russian Rustem start to fight but Stephen counter his opponent with a combination of low-kicks and high-kicks, and keep the Russian under pressure, Rustem falls 2 times. The Russian responds with a combination on punches, and stick him in the corner.

On the 3rd round, Rustem keeps the distance in order to counter, but Stephen (RMG GYM) understands his tactic.

The fighters hit back at the beggining of this round.

Rustem gives all his energy in the fight with no results.

All the the RMB GYM’s team (Rachid, Ekapol, Sudsakor, Tan) was there to support and to guide Stephen Meakli to his victory.

The final decision give the victory to Stephen Meakli (RMG GYM) who keeps his Fairtex’s belt.

Thanks to Mac for the text

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rusten, steven meikli et rachid saadi

rusten, steven meikli et rachid saadi